Hello and Welcome

This was my very First Blog. I have been using it to post info on Internet programs. I have learnt a lot about Blogging since this blogs Inception and it will continue to evolve and get better. Feel free to leave comments and suggestions and constructive critisim


Saturday, December 19, 2009

My Computers are Now TVs

Are you sick of paying for Cable TV?
Do you want a Great solution?
Turn your computer into a TV Now
I do not spend a lot of time watching TV but my family do. Here In Australia we are about to go digital and this means replacing all our TVs or buying set top boxes but I just found this and we all have computers so it could be our best solution.
It is called Satellite Direct. Basically it is a software program that turns your computer into a TV. Well we all have computers so Wham problem solved and it is a lot cheaper for us.
Check it out here
[url=http://www.example.com]Click Here![/url]

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