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This was my very First Blog. I have been using it to post info on Internet programs. I have learnt a lot about Blogging since this blogs Inception and it will continue to evolve and get better. Feel free to leave comments and suggestions and constructive critisim
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Great Time Saver - Increase your income with Adswaps
For serious Internet Marketers, you know how hard it is to keep up with everything! Trying to keep up with all of your to do lists can become a real nightmare. It becomes incredibly time consuming to keep up with your calendars, business partners, ad swap partners, and everything else. Serious Internet Marketers know that there is always something that needs to be done.
One of the biggest time wasters is trying to coordinate an ad swap with another marketer. You can waste hours trying to find someone who will swap with you. Once you are done coordinating everything, you have to track the results of your a href= target= _blank SafeSwaps /a . All of this can be very time consuming, and you want to automate all of this as much as possible.
Fortunately with all of the statistics on the a href= target= _blank SafeSwaps /a calendar, the entire process is automated for you. Your calendar is setup so that other people can automatically schedule ad swaps with you, and you can setup your ads on other lists. The calendar shows you all of the statistics of the results of your ads. You can see your a href= target= _blank SafeSwaps /a partner s list sizes and clicks. There is no way you can get burned on a href= target= _blank SafeSwaps /a because everything is out in the open. Every member has their own profile that is synchronized with their Aweber and GetResponse lists to show you the real numbers of people they have on their lists. You can rest easy knowing that someone is telling you the truth when they tell you they have over 13,000 people on their email list.
Because of all the statistics included within the calendar of a href= target= _blank SafeSwaps /a , it has saved me a ton of time! I can look at the calendar and see instantly if an ad I ran was successful or not. This saves me hours of analyzing different campaigns to see what is working and what doesn t. Over time, I can spot trends between my different partners to see which partners have the most responsive lists. I can run more ads because I am saving a lot of time, and I ve seen my income increase by over $2700 per month!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Saturday, January 15, 2011
I finally found a place to get safe ad swaps
The fastest single way to build
your list is through ad swaps...
But sometimes it\'s a real hassle
finding the right people to swap with...
That\'s why I was so excited when I heard
that my good friend Uncle Dimitry had
put together a new site called Safe Swaps...
== Safe Ad Swaps
Not only will you find qualified, reliable
marketers to swap with, the site also
automates a lot of the boring busy work,
and helps you track your results...
Dimitry has a great offer waiting for you right now:
== Safe Ad Swaps
Only $1 for the first month,
and you can cancel anytime...
I\'m betting you\'ll stick around
once you see the results...
Only a limited number of spots left,
so get over there right away:
== Safe Ad Swaps
To your success,
Jenelle Livet
Monday, January 10, 2011
Daily Deal Builder - Pre launch and FREE gifts
Daily Deal Builder will be available in 1 days time
There is some serious anticipation building up for this amazing package.
This is a business that anyone who can take action will see massive and
very real long term results from!
You can now get nine proven website templates along with a sweet
scarcity-urgency script if you subscribe right now signup here Daily Deal Builders
This is shaping up to be a VERY BIG week with the release of this offer,
this market has never really seen anything like this before, customers are
going to be getting a rocking deal for the tools and resources
they will have at their instant disposal.
Full Daily Deal Builder Business Platform:
This will not only automate the whole business from sales to coupons, but is full CRM, shopping cart,
autoresponder, and much more ready to go out the door right now.
Traffic Software Access: This will help you generate instant traffic and
SEO with massive content submissions.
Jump-Start Consultation: A real human will call you to help you jump start
your use of the Daily Deal Builder software
Live Ongoing Coaching Program with Live Q A Webinars: We\'re going to
be providing you with real content and amazing on-going training and
Step by Step Blue Print to Success: This is an A-Z Guide to starting your
Daily Deal Builder Business.
Two-day live event: Were offering a one-on-one live training event for
fast action takers. Personal Employee: You\'ll have a personal assistant
for ten hours a week for one full month, absolutely free!
Full Hosting Support Maintenance and Upgrades, and much more, this is the
real deal!
This is some software that you need to have access to as a marketer...
Best of all - IT IS F-R-E-E!
These guys are in a pre-launch phase for their huge upcoming product
A typical part of pre-launch consists of giving out some great material at
no charge.
Well this isn\'t just some great material -this is absolutely
fantastic and they should be charging big time for this information and
software that you are getting access to for F-R-E-E!
Get instant access right now to these pre-built websites and software by
visiting here:
Make moves today,
Friday, January 7, 2011
Daily Deal Trend
ATLANTA, GA (January 4th, 2011)—Atlanta software development and consulting company HC Consulting Group LLC is responding to the emerging trend of daily deal websites by launching on January 11, 2011. In 2004 e-commerce experienced one of the most monumental changes to date with the invention of the Daily Deal E-commerce model. The model was simple—offering one irresistible deal per day—to entice impulse purchases from customers. After its inception by, the model has since exploded, most notably in the past year, and experienced unprecedented growth in 2010.

Daily deal sites have been changing the online shopping experience and have the potential to change the way businesses market and sell their products. The trend, started with Woot, has inspired countless daily deal sites that now reign as some of the most popular websites on the internet. Daily deal sites like these are breaking into countless niche industries, and there is still endless room for expansion into any niche and geographic market imaginable. More recently, purchasing of several of the largest daily deal sites has been making headlines. With offers on reaching the $6 billion mark, and and being purchased in the mid hundred-million dollar range, it is clear that this online phenomenon has nearly endless fiscal potential. Amidst the emergence of this trend, companies such as HC Consulting are lowering the barrier to entry in this market. Their product,, is a group buying platform and daily deal platform designed to let individuals create their own ‘daily deal’ websites with professional training and assistance in launching the site. The new software allows easy entry into the already successful model of group buying and daily deal services without any prior technical knowledge. Daily Deal Builder also includes comprehensive training from HC Consulting staff on how to build and launch daily deal businesses. launches on January 11, 2011 and is accompanied by a live sales presentation at 12pm eastern time. HC Consulting Group is a software development, consulting and internet marketing company specializing in the online deployment of business solutions. Started in 2008, the HC team has grown into a global business with various information and software products that assist in growing internet businesses. HC Consulting Group’s core values reside in customer service, quality products and results driven consulting.
For additional information about HC Consulting and their services visit the company website at or call 1-800-794-7192.
Daily deal sites have been changing the online shopping experience and have the potential to change the way businesses market and sell their products. The trend, started with Woot, has inspired countless daily deal sites that now reign as some of the most popular websites on the internet. Daily deal sites like these are breaking into countless niche industries, and there is still endless room for expansion into any niche and geographic market imaginable. More recently, purchasing of several of the largest daily deal sites has been making headlines. With offers on reaching the $6 billion mark, and and being purchased in the mid hundred-million dollar range, it is clear that this online phenomenon has nearly endless fiscal potential. Amidst the emergence of this trend, companies such as HC Consulting are lowering the barrier to entry in this market. Their product,, is a group buying platform and daily deal platform designed to let individuals create their own ‘daily deal’ websites with professional training and assistance in launching the site. The new software allows easy entry into the already successful model of group buying and daily deal services without any prior technical knowledge. Daily Deal Builder also includes comprehensive training from HC Consulting staff on how to build and launch daily deal businesses. launches on January 11, 2011 and is accompanied by a live sales presentation at 12pm eastern time. HC Consulting Group is a software development, consulting and internet marketing company specializing in the online deployment of business solutions. Started in 2008, the HC team has grown into a global business with various information and software products that assist in growing internet businesses. HC Consulting Group’s core values reside in customer service, quality products and results driven consulting.
For additional information about HC Consulting and their services visit the company website at or call 1-800-794-7192.
HC Consulting Launching Daily Deal Builder Software
ATLANTA, GA (January 4th, 2011)—HC Consulting Group LLC is introducing their new Daily Deal
Builder software on January 11, 2011. The software, which will be launched from,
is a group buying platform and daily deal platform designed to let individuals create their own „daily deal‟
In addition to the launch of the site, a sales presentation on the software will be streamed at 12pm
eastern standard time on January 11th, 2011.
Daily Deal Builder allows clients to create a „daily deal‟ website promoting a deal of the day, a deal of the
week, or a one sale at a time service, similar to popular sites as Groupon or Woot. The new software
allows easy entry into the already successful model of group buying and daily deal services without any
prior technical knowledge. Daily Deal Builder also includes comprehensive training from HC Consulting
staff on how to build and launch daily deal businesses.
The Daily Deal Builder Software officially launches on January 11, 2011 at
“We created the daily deal model because I‟ve personally noticed the phenomenon, and I, like most
people, have fallen victim to and purchased from daily deal sites,” says HC Consulting co-founder Marc
Horne. “Being a software company, I figured we could provide a way for our clients to enter this market
as well. I wanted to create Daily Deal Builder to lower the barrier of entry into this marketplace for others
to partake in this rapidly growing trend.”
HC Consulting Group is a software development, consulting and internet marketing company specializing
in the online deployment of business solutions. Started in 2008, the HC team has grown into a global
business with various information and software products that assist in growing internet businesses. HC
Consulting Group‟s core values reside in customer service, quality products and results driven
For additional information about HC Consulting and their services visit the company website at or
call 1-800-794-7192.
Builder software on January 11, 2011. The software, which will be launched from,
is a group buying platform and daily deal platform designed to let individuals create their own „daily deal‟
In addition to the launch of the site, a sales presentation on the software will be streamed at 12pm
eastern standard time on January 11th, 2011.
Daily Deal Builder allows clients to create a „daily deal‟ website promoting a deal of the day, a deal of the
week, or a one sale at a time service, similar to popular sites as Groupon or Woot. The new software
allows easy entry into the already successful model of group buying and daily deal services without any
prior technical knowledge. Daily Deal Builder also includes comprehensive training from HC Consulting
staff on how to build and launch daily deal businesses.
The Daily Deal Builder Software officially launches on January 11, 2011 at
“We created the daily deal model because I‟ve personally noticed the phenomenon, and I, like most
people, have fallen victim to and purchased from daily deal sites,” says HC Consulting co-founder Marc
Horne. “Being a software company, I figured we could provide a way for our clients to enter this market
as well. I wanted to create Daily Deal Builder to lower the barrier of entry into this marketplace for others
to partake in this rapidly growing trend.”
HC Consulting Group is a software development, consulting and internet marketing company specializing
in the online deployment of business solutions. Started in 2008, the HC team has grown into a global
business with various information and software products that assist in growing internet businesses. HC
Consulting Group‟s core values reside in customer service, quality products and results driven
For additional information about HC Consulting and their services visit the company website at or
call 1-800-794-7192.
Daily Deals are Great aren t they?
Take 2 seconds and do a search for Daily Deals on any Search engine
and you will see there are thousands of views for this term
Daily Deals are a great Discount-based selling system
used to promote Impulsive sales and They WORK.
E Commerce has grown year after year and the more the economy faces
doom and gloom the more action there is on E Commerce sites as consumers
look for that next bargain. People are more relaxed about buying goods on the Internet
and love the fact that you can shop 24/7. We love it that there is so much more competition
out there and we can get deals. Lots of Deals, Lots of Daily Deals
A new report has just been released called the DOD Report.
No, DOD does not mean Department of Defense,
but rather Deal of the Day.
The Deal of the Day model has been breaking some
serious records lately and dramatically changing businesses
of all kinds. Somerevolutionary stuff is going on
regarding this model and early movers
have and will continue to see some
astounding results.
Check the report out directly here:
Deal of Day Report
If, after going through the report, you took some quality information
and concepts out of it - I encourage you to leave us a
comment on the page and tell a friend who might be interested to
learn about what the Deal of the Day report has to offer!
Deal of Day Report
Hope you enjoy the free gifts
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